
Feb 24, 2021
Photo (CC BY-ND 2.0) 2009 by How I See Life

After looking at Nathaniel Mary Quinn's painting a few questions pop up in my head. The biggest one being what does it mean to understand someones artwork? Often times in museums or art shows there is a written description as to what the art is supposed to mean, at least what it means to the artist. I do not believe art has to mean what the artist means, that is the best part about it, it is up for interpretation. People need to stop being so caught up with finding out what the artist means and need to focus more on what it means to them. Not everyone is going to have the same experience that the artist has had, so when looking at a painting like Mend, decipher your interpretation first, then read about the artists, Nathaniel Quinn, and what it meant to him.

